Firetopper Pro - Acoustic Speaker Fire Hood.
Fits 6 - 8" Speakers
Fire hoods are a requirement for all in-ceiling speakers that are installed in or adjacent to habitable rooms or within a location of access or escape. Cutting large holes in ceilings for 'in-ceiling' speakers destroys the fire barrier and under UK Law the installer is responsible for maintaining that barrier when installing any equipment.
Firetopper Fire Hoods have been designed specifically for in-ceiling speakers and conform with the latest IEE and Building Regulations for Fire and Acoustic integrity of ceilings. The Firetopper Pro contains a layer of acoustic foam to cut sound leakage into the room above (typical reduction approximately 3dB), as well as providing a thermal barrier to prevent heat escaping through the speaker.
Delivery time
93% of orders delivered in 3-5 business days!
Coverage :
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93% of orders delivered in 3-5 business days.